King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Provable Responsible AI and Data Analytics Lab

Postdoctoral Researcher

Provable Responsible AI and Data Analytics Lab, directed by Professor Di Wang, is actively looking for 1-2 postdoctoral researcher positions, with flexible start date. The initial appointment will be 1 year, with the possibility renewal for one or two additional years depending on the performance. The position will remain open until filled.

Candidates need to hold an earned Ph.D. (or be near completion) in computer science or in a related field with mathematics or statistics or good programming skills. Successful candidates are expected to be self-motivated and have a good publication record (at least have one paper accepted by premier conferences or journals like NeurIPS, ICML, AISTATS, ICLR, CCS, S&P, USENIX, NDSS, TIFS, TDSC, KDD, AAAI, TPAMI, JMLR, TKDE, etc.) and good command of English. The position holders will perform interdisciplinary research, shape research directions, produce and disseminate results through publications, coordinate research projects and help to supervise PhD. and M.S. students.

KAUST offers:

  1. Very competitive tax exemption salary (65,000-90,000 USD/year) and benefit package (e.g., free high-standards fully furnished houses, health insurance, education at KAUST international schools for children, 20 days of paid vacation per year, relocation allowance, repatriation allowance).
  2. Sufficient funding support (e.g., conference attendance and international trip support).
  3. State-of-the-art research facilities, including one of the fastest supercomputers in the world (more than 200 A100 80G GPUs), and a word-class visualization. AUST offers ample GPU computing resources to all faculty and students. Currently, the university has 270 V100 and 250 A100 GPUs, with plans to deliver 3000 H100 GPUs by the end of 2024. The laboratories are well-funded, and each member is provided with at least one personal server equipped with two A6000 graphics cards (if your work progresses quickly, the lab will provide multiple servers).
  4. Solid collaboration (including exchange visits) with our partners.
  5. Vibrant campus life and impressive recreational facilities that include a private beach, marina and golf course.

PhD Students

Provable Responsible AI and Data Analytics Lab, directed by Professor Di Wang, is actively looking for 1-3 PhD students working on data privacy, knowledge editing, concept erasing, explainable AI for large language model. The starting date could be either Spring 2025 or Fall 2025:

  1. Data Privacy: differential privacy, machine unlearning for LLMs (1 position)
  2. Concept: concept erasing in Generative AI, explainability for LLMs (1 position)
  3. Knowledge: LLMs knowledge editing (1 position)


  • Minimum GPA is 3.2/4 or 83/100, TOFEL IBT 79 or IELTS 6.0, see here for details.
  • Students should be self-motivated and have critical thinking, also they should be proficient in either programming or statistics or mathematics. Students from all related background such as CS, Mathematics, Statistics, EE etc. are invited to apply.
  • Top publications are preferred but not required. However, if you do not have publications, we encourage you to apply for a visiting or remote intern position first.
  • Computational Resources of KAUST:
    KAUST is an ideal choice for scholars aspiring to conduct large-scale model research. As a "small but elite" science and engineering university, KAUST offers ample GPU computing resources to all faculty and students. Currently, the university has 270 V100 and 250 A100 GPUs, with plans to deliver 3000 H100 GPUs by the end of 2024. The laboratories are well-funded, and each member is provided with at least one personal server equipped with two A6000 graphics cards (if your work progresses quickly, the lab will provide multiple servers).

    Onsite Visiting Students

    There are multiple onsite visiting students positions in our lab. They will be supervised by our postdocs or PhD students. KAUST offers different programs to visiting students dpending the nationality:

    1. For Saudi students: Please apply The Saudi Summer Internship (SSI) program. Our lab has 2 position each year.
    2. VSPR Program: There are multiple position in our lab every year. We usually host 1-3 students. The length of the program ranges anywhere between 3 to 6 months. Please apply here. Note that there is a requirement on the nationality for VSPR, please send us an email before you applying!
    3. Visiting Student: There is one position in our lab every year, and the length should be at most 3 months. Note that there is no requirement on the nationality. There is no application link, you must send us an email first!
    4. CSC in China: Current there is no position for Chinese students who get the CSC scholarship in China.

    Remote Interns

    Besides onsite visiting student, we also host multiple remote research interns whose primary goal is either applying our lab's PhD student positions or pulishing top publications. Note that many of our current lab members are remote interns before, so an intern will significantly increase your chance to be admitted. The length of intern should be at least 4 month. There are paid and unpaid interns. However, we seldom pay to interns who have not collaborate with us before. Please send us an email for more details.